Medium type composite suspension parts for Serpent 733 (05/05/2010)

As standard composite parts Serpent offers the wishbones for the Serpent 733 now in a softer but extremely durable composite nylon, called M for medium. The M parts have more less flex than the H = hard parts.
In most cases the standard nylon parts M, with more flex, will perform best. Under very high grip conditions as well as under very high temperatures the H = hard parts will perform better. As always all depends greatly on overall set-up of the Serpent 733 and driving style as well.
Parts are indicated with a M (medium-hard) for easier indentification. Available as seperate parts and as full-set.( the M parts will become the standard parts in the kits ).
804109 Wishbone rear lw L+R (M)
804110 Wishbone front lw L+R (M)
804111 Wishbone front up L+R (M)
804175 Suspensionset nylon M (10)
The upright and steeringblocks remain the same strong composite mix as before, no changes.We advice not to mix 2 types of materials on front (L/R) or rear side (L/R) of the car, as it will give unbalanced suspension reaction. So always use left and right same material.Is some cases it maybe occur that H front and M rear as combo will work best. Again all depends on local conditions.