Tip for shock pre-tension nut (08/14/2003)

Hi all,
This is a general tip, so I would not post it in a particular forum.
How can you made the schock pre-tension nut could be turned smooth ?
You have to solutions:
- Be Zen enough and wait 1 year of racing
- or made the same as I
The tip is on the O-ring who act as a anti-turn device in the nut.
Unlike most poeple think, rubber is like water: it's uncompressible.
When you compress ruber it only goes in space(s) you allow it to go, the volume always remain the same.
I gently put the O-ring on a dia 14mm round part, taking care to not twisted it. Then with your favorite dremel and a mill disk mill 4 flats on the outside.
Look the pic, it says more. The O-ring now had less pressure on the shock cylinder.
After mounting the O-ring in the the nut I put one drop of some "Teflon" fluid on the O-ring before screwing it on the shock. You can find some in any bicycle shop, it's for lubricate brake cable.
Now your nut could be turned with only 1 finger. Don't be afraid it still continues to keep your setting in place.
!!! CAUTION !!!
For those guys who are in country where lawers are faster than our cars:
Rotating tools & AC current are dangerous, always wheare glasses, gloves, armour etc...