My location: United States
Feb 17, 2020

SER601163 Adjustable GT Clutch Set 🔥
Using knowledge learnt from our heritage in 1/8 I.C On Road racing we introduce this race proven adjustable clutch for our Serpent SRX8GT car.

Using a single adjustable centre spring eliminates the need for having multiple styles of springs in different thicknesses in your kit, whilst ensuring you don’t have that pesky boggy clutch half way through you’re a-main after you broke a spring!

To change the engagement point simply add or reduce the pre-tension using the adjusting nut.

Included in the kit is an ultra lightweight vented Aluminium clutch bell including quality NSK Bearings.

Tried and tested by Serpent drivers at the 2020 GT World Championships we can ensure the performance and reliability is on point! 💪

Available at your local Serpent dealer

You can download the manual here: