My location: United States
Sep 12, 2010

Matsuda, the revelation of the 2010 WC in USA, once again showed his great pace with his Mega powered Serpent 733, by taking TQ at the high level Japan Nats.

Team mates Yuya Sahashi with Serpent in 2nd, and Tadahiko in 7th after qualifying.

In the 40 minute final Fukuda was able to take the win, less then 10 sec. ahead of Serpents Takumi Matsuda and in 3rd Yuya Sahashi.
Also Tadahiko made he main final and finished in 9th, making it 3 Serpent 733 in the main, with 2 on the podium, well done !!.

Team Serpent Japan

More info:

Serpent 733:
Options 733: