My location: United States
Sep 9, 2010

Kyle Branson sent us this report on the 7th round of the BRCA 1/10th scale national series that was held last weekend at Adur, just on the coast of Brighton under mostly dry conditions.

On Saturday the traction was quite low at the start but got a little better during the day. My car wasnt too bad but there was room for improvement. Johnathan Dobney was the fastest at the end of the day with a 15.25 second lap with myself and Mark Green following closely.

On Sunday the weather was to change, it was raining very lightly for a while and so the first two rounds were wet or damp which was never going to produce the TQ time as for sure it would dry. In the third round it was Mark who took TQ ahead of Johnathan in second and John Zottl in third. I made a mistake and pulled the wishbone out. In the fourth round It was John Zottl who took TQ ahead of Matthew Cook and Joe Kerry in second.

After a couple of minutes the pin fell out of my wishbone ending my last run but I still managed to get 9th from a dampish run and a place in the A-main.

In the final Mark was leading, with John Zottl in second and myself following closely in third. John and I had a coming together causing trouble for both of us. Neal King was not too far behind and drove a good race to come second behind Mark with Adam Catchpole taking third. The last race of the season will be at Colchester in a few weeks.

Thanks to Kyle Branson and for reports.

Team Sepent UK