My location: United States
Mar 3, 2010

Team Serpent America is present at the official WC warm-up race.

Scot, DJ, Paolo, Flavio ( Brasil), Mazzeo ( Italy) and more Serpent drivers will test all sorts of set-ups, engines, pipes, tyres, wheels, bodies, wings etc etc.

Some results and pictures are expected to be published here.

Serpent driver Salven and Green were already in Houston for practise in late 2009, and will go back again for one more test lateron in 2010 when the temperatures are expected to be higher, and more similar the (hot) conditions at the Worlds.

Good luck to all Serpent Team / drivers at the warm-up.

The data/ information they gather will be very important for the further preperations for the Worlds.

Team Serpent