My location: United States
Jun 30, 2009

Second race of the Italian Championship Messina 12-13-14 June 2009

The second race of the Italian Championship was in Messina, that is the track wherei I started my adventure in the rc car's world .

In this race participants were many and with famous names like Balestri , Tironi , D'angelo, De Felici , Gentile (serpent drivers ) and many other.

This race was the first race in Italy with the new Serpent car the 733 driven by me . The car that came from the GP race in Bomud Turkye, arrived in Messina during the controlled practice only, but this did not prevent me to test the new car right away. I was so anxious to try it !! The 733 car has been put on track with the set-up it had and was immediately fast and very beautiful to drive and i was very happy for this and decided to race with this new car .

At the end of controlled practice I was in third position , Balestri in first and D'angelo in second position and Tironi in forth position, all very close .

Saturday in qualifying the 733 car is showing to be very fast and easy to drive again and this allowed me to fight for the pole position but an engine stop didn't allow me in the last manche of qualification to do so, but still I maintained the forth time, so in the final direct . So the four direct finalist were Dario Balestri , Giuseppe D'angelo , Francesco Tironi and Alessio Mazzeo with the new 733 , in sixth postition with the "old" but always very fast 720 Umberto Gentile

Sunday in the final the Serpent had two cars , Umberto Gentile with the number 5 that bumped up after winning the semi final with the Serpent 720 and me with the number 4. In the final everybody planned to change tyres but I planned not to change, as this coud be the winning strategy, because the 733 is economic on tyre-wear. But at 35 minutes of the race my engine stopped due to lack of fuel, when i was in second position behind Tironi. Due to this problem I finished the race in forth position but i was very satisfied for the performance of the new 733 car at its first race and i think that this new Serpent car will give more satisfaction to everybody , I personally at least believe so .

Next race: European Champs in Gubbio, CU there !!

ciao ciao Alessio Mazzeo
(Serpent, Max, Xceed, Enneti)

Team Serpent Italy